05 May 2009

Climbing to New Heights

The belayer's role is a necessary support system that ensures the progress and safety of the climber. With every upward movement, the belay pulls the excess slack, making sure that the climber does not fall far from the last move. Finally, when the climber needs to rest and reevaluate the course of action, the belayer is the one who carries the weight of the climber.
This visualization of myself as the belayer is representative of my role as the belayer in the lives of those around me. I care deeply for my loved ones and I would support them during any time of need, just as they have supported me throughout the many difficult times in my past.

The climber pushes herself to the limit to reach the top of the mountain. The vertical journey is very difficult, and sometimes she wants to give up, resting her weight on the belayer who encourages her to continue onward. Through the reassurance of the rope and the perseverance towards the goal, the climber reaches the top and begins to grasp the sky as the limit.
This visualization of myself is during the defining moments of my past--times when I would have fallen to the ground without the supporting rope of my loved ones. At the same time, the climber represents the rewards for all of the hard work invested into progress.

Bouldering is rope-less climbing that lacks mobility over long distances, but makes up for in quality of strength. As the relationship between the belayer and the climber is necessary in order to attain success, bouldering is a testament to self-reliance and risk-taking. The healthy balance of all these activities provides for a well-rounded climber.
This final visualization of my self is evidently symbolic of my hopes for the future as I attempt to become more and more self-reliant. As bouldering and vertical climbing are rewarding in their different ways, the introspective self-cultivation of my independent self is just as important as turning to my loved ones in times of need and being the support system when they are no longer able to carry their burdens on their own.